Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

A Girl

One upon a time, there lived a girl in a confusing world. She didn't think she was pretty neither ugly. But that world change her way of thinking. People always said that she was ugly, whenever they had a chance. She cannot do anything. Cause she knew that she wasn't pretty. Whatever she wore, even when someone have said it was a really good clothes, but never even once people said that what she wore was good. It looked like she made the clothes looks ugly. Altough she was sure that she didn't overdress or underdress, people still talk that she was ugly. She confused. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to change. She didn't want people getting annoyed because she was being ugly. She wanted a make over. She wanted to use a cream that would makes her skin glow, her face prettier, or a soap that could change her to a brand new girl. So she could face peoples better. But what if God thought that she didn't thankful enough? What if God got mad cause she didn't accept what God had given to her and left her? She was on dillema. In the end, she chose God. Although she knew God would never leave her, she wanted to show it to God that she accepted whatever God gave her. Whatever people said to her shouldn't matter. Cause happiness wouldn't just come to a beautiful girl. Cause she knew that God would never makes even a single mistake.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Comeback post

Hm.... Hai? Setelah 3 tahun (atau lebih) aku meninggalkan blog ini. Hari ini aku berkomitmen (semoga beneran komitmennya) buat menghidupkan kembali blog yang udah kayak haunted house ini. Ya.. semoga bisa lebih bermanfaat dibanding 3 tahun silam. Aku berencana buat bikin blog ini jadi source buat temen-temen dapetin benda-benda (maaf gak punya kosa kata yang bisa menggambarkan apa yang mau aku omongin wkwk) yang bisa bikin harimu lebih menyenangkan. Maybe i cannot update everyday. I'm in college and there'are sooooo much thing to finish wkwk. Ya semoga blog ini jadi lebih bermanfaat lah ya dibanding sebelumnya wkwk.

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Example of Analytical Exposition

Hai teman-teman... kali ini aku mau nge-post tugas bahasa Inggrisku. Semoga bermanfaat...

Wooden Cutting Board
Cutting Board is a tool that used as the base when we cut the ingredient of a food. This tool is used to protect the table from scratch. Housewife who likes cooking must be very familiar with this tool. Or maybe, this tool become the must have tool in the kitchen. Nowadays, there are various kind of cutting board. One of them is Wooden Cutting Board. So, is this cutting board better than others?

Reverensi Novel "Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu"

Hai teman-teman... udah lama nih aku nggak nge-post. Mumpung lagi liburan, jadi aku nyempetin diri buat nge-post. Semoga aja bermanfaat. Sebenarnya ini tugas bahasa Indonesia waktu itu. Tapi daripada terus-terusan ada di laptop dan nggak pernah diliat-liat lagi, jadi mending di post kan? Yaudah deh... Silakan dibaca reverensinya....

Perjalanan Mengenang Masa Lalu

Judul                         : Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu
Pengarang                 : Tere-Liye
Penerbit                    : Republika
Kota Terbit               : Jakarta Selatan
Tahun Terbit              : 2010
Tebal Buku                : 436 halaman
Jenis Buku                 : Novel Fiksi

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Video lagu Story of Little Girl - Park Eun Bin

Halo teman-teman semuanya... setelah lama tertidur akhirnya aku balik lagi hehe... kali ini aku mau nge-post video lagunya dinyanyiin sama Park Eun Bin yan yang judulnya Story of Little GIrl. Aku ngambilnya yang imut nih... Kalian yang oernah nonton Operation Proposal pasti tau lagu ini. Enak loh didengernya... Selamat Menikmati....

Gimana? lagunya enak kan? videonya juga lucu kan? Nah, sekian dulu... kapan-kapan aku balik lagi...

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Video Kim Jong Kook - Mens Are All Like That

Halo.. Teman-teman aku balik lagi nih... hehe setelah tertidur beberapa bulan akhirnya aku bangkit kembali hehehe.. Kali ini aku mau ngasih tau videonya Kim Jong Kook yang Mens Are All Like That... di videonya ada Song Joong Ki oppa loh... Mau tau gimana videonya? Langsung tekan play aja hehe...

Gimana? Bagus kan? hehe semoga bisa mencerahkan hari kalian... Dadah...

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Foto-foto Anggota Running Man

Hei... Hei....! Teman-teman pasti udah tahu Running Man deh. Acara TV Korea yang udah terkenal seantero dunia. Jelas aja! Acaranya seru banget. Bisa menghilangkan kebosanan kita. Ya, ini adalah foto-foto hostnya hehe. Semoga Bermanfaat....

 1. Yoo Jae Suk

2. Ji Suk Jin
 3. Kim Jong Kook


4. Kang Gary

5. Ha Dong Hoon

6. Song Ji Hyo

7. Lee Kwang Soo

Nah... segini dulu ya... kapan-kapan aku kasih profilnya... Semoga Bermanfaat....